Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Adobe CS6 all patch

hai! :)
sometime it's hard for us to find any keygen for our adobe product, and for the new series CS6, I'd like to install new version of my adobe, and it means I need keygen or patch~ 'cause I don't have any enough money to bought ahaha~
so here's
It's called Adobe CS6 All Activator ~

I got it from here~
the programs is:
Adobe Photoshop CS6 - Extended (32-Bit & 64-Bit)
Adobe Media Encoder CS6 (32-Bit & 64-Bit)
Adobe Flash Professional CS6 
Adobe Bridge CS6 (32-Bit & 64-Bit) 
Adobe Dreamweaver CS6
Adobe Audition CS6
Adobe Prelude CS6
Adobe SpeedGrade CS6 
Adobe OnLocation CS6 
Adobe Encore CS6 
Adobe Device Central CS6 
Adobe InCopy CS6 
Adobe Contribute CS6 
Adobe Fireworks CS6 
Adobe InDesign CS6 
Adobe Illustrator CS6 (32-Bit & 64-Bit) 
Adobe Flash Catalyst CS6 
Adobe After Effects CS6 (64-Bit only)
Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 (64-Bit only)

Remember to install as trial first before do the patch~

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About the Template

menganggap orang lain sebagai sahabat nggak ada salahnya kok =))